Cooktop Cove: How to make a Bundt spaghetti cake (video)
By Angela Brown
Spaghetti and cake? Yes, please! This fun twist on the traditional Italian dish combines all things great about the family favorite and takes it up a notch with a crusty top and a cool visual. It's pretty enough for a family get-together and tasty enough to bake any night of the week!
Bundt pan spaghetti cake
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 60 minutes
Serves: 4
1/2 pound spaghetti, cooked
1/2 cup cream cheese
1/2 cup pesto
1/4 cup flour
2 eggs, whisked
2 cups mozzarella cheese, shredded
Salt and pepper to taste
1. Cook the noodles al dente, following the package instructions.
2. In a large bowl combine cream cheese, pesto, eggs, salt and pepper. Mix well so that cream cheese is evenly distributed into the pesto and eggs.
3. Add in pasta, flour and mozzarella. Gently toss, being sure all the noddles are coated with pesto mixture.
4. Coat your Bundt pan with non-stick spray and transfer your spaghetti mixture into the pan.
5. Press the spaghetti evenly around the center of your pan.
6. Bake your spaghetti at 350 degrees for 40 minutes.
7. Allow the spaghetti to rest and cool (for about five minutes). Using a cake stand or large plate, flip your spaghetti over onto the dish.
8. Surround the spaghetti with warm tomato sauce and sprinkle with parmesan cheese.
Serve with your favorite vegetable and a slice of garlic bread.
Pro tip: Work on this dish while the spaghetti is still warm from cooking, so the ingredients blend together more easily.
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